Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What the HECK is it?

For Macro class this week we were given the assignment to photograph different things at a 1:1 ratio. The images were supposed to make people wonder what the heck it is? Here are two of the images that I turned in. Can you guess what they are?

Nikon D200
Exposure: 1/50sec @ F/4
Focal Length: 55mm w/ extension tube
Lighting: SB800 and Halo Light
ISO 100

Nikon D90
Exposure: 1/20sec @ F/14
Focal Length: 105mm
Lighting: Copy Stand
ISO 200


  1. I really like how you cannot tell what these shots are unless you knew what someone knew what you were shooting ;) but these look great Sam, really love the bottom image!!

  2. I give up. If I can ever figure out what objects are in this picture, I'll get back and surely comment. Nice pictures, leave us pondering over them.
    Commuity College

  3. My guess is the first one is a baseball glove and the second is the top of a glass globe Christmas ornament? Am I right? Great pics!

  4. Yep, Great job April! You are the winner!

  5. I like the lighting in both of these shots. Very cool!
